Name Vendor Category Storage Location Storage Duration Website Scope Registered Information Cases in which is used Access to information Description
RUL Google Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months Used by DoubleClick to determine whether website advertisement has been properly displayed - This is done to make their marketing efforts more efficient. Used by DoubleClick to determine whether website advertisement has been properly displayed - This is done to make their marketing efforts more efficient.
RESOURCEINFO YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session The cookie persist information about user device type.It contains the user device type (desktop, smartphone, tablet).The whole website.YNAP The cookie persist information about user device type.
UI YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session This cookie is used as a key for akamai staticization.It contains information useful to define an unambiguos key to allow Akamai staticization (device type, cache key, abtests, language). The whole website.YNAP This cookie is used as a key for akamai staticization.
TCSESSION Commanders Act Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( Session Used by the MIX (Analytics) module.Session identifier of the MIX module.The whole websiteCommanders Act, Brand Used by the MIX (Analytics) module.
TCSESSION Commanders Act Cookie tecnici 3rd Party Cookie ( Session Used by the MIX (campaing performance) module.Session identifier of the MIX module.The whole websiteCommanders Act, Brand Used by the MIX (campaing performance) module.
TCSESSION Commanders Act Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session Used by the MIX (campaing performance) module.Session identifier of the MIX module.The whole websiteCommanders Act, Brand Used by the MIX (campaing performance) module.
VISIT YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session This cookie persist information on the country the user is navigating.Country, isocode, sitecode of the country the use is actually navigating.The whole websiteYNAP This cookie persist information on the country the user is navigating.
AWSELB YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session This cookie is used to enable session affinity to correctly access WCS API behind the api load balancing system.WCS API Token, returned by WCS API.The whole websiteYNAP This cookie is used to enable session affinity to correctly access WCS API behind the api load balancing system.
JSESSIONID YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session This cookie is used to enable session affinity to correctly access WCS API behind the api load balancing system.WCS API Token, returned by WCS API.The whole websiteYNAP This cookie is used to enable session affinity to correctly access WCS API behind the api load balancing system.
AKA_A2 Akamai Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session Akamai Adaptive Acceleration Cookie.None; it is used by the Akamai Adaptive Acceleration Optimization (Server Push, Brotli compression, etc.) The whole websiteAkamai Akamai Adaptive Acceleration Cookie.
TS01... F5 Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session F5 WAF It keeps track of the session between the user and the F5 WAF; it is not an application cookie The whole websiteF5 F5 WAF
Y-Country-Language YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 1 day Debug purpose.It contains info about users browser language and country.The whole websiteApp Delivery Debug purpose.
yOrbRD Tech/Ycustomer Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months Collect real time event cross device.Generate a unique ID for the client.The whole websiteTech/Ycustomer Collect real time event cross device.
UI-PERSISTENT YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months t's a long term copy of the cookie UI, It's usefule for us in order to render accessibile markup to impaired users.It contains information useful to define an unambiguos key to allow Akamai staticization (device type, cache key, abtests, language).The whole websiteYNAP It's a long term copy of the cookie UI, It's usefule for us in order to render accessibile markup to impaired users.
RT - Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day RUM mPulseMetadata related to user behaviours.The whole websiteMonitoring Team RUM mPulse
S_107... - Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
tc_idNL Commanders Act Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months Used to collect behavioral data.NL hashata registration email.The whole websiteYnaNAP, Commanders Act Used to collect behavioral data.
_ga Google Analytics Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 24 months Distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is used to calculate the number of visitors and useful data in order to create analysis reports.First-party cookie that allows unique and anonymous identification. Through this identifier, the Google Analytics tool is able to measure and describe the usage of the site by associating the various intercepted user actions to a single cookie / user and to the Session that generated them.The whole websiteYNAP, Brand , Google Distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is used to calculate the number of visitors and useful data in order to create analysis reports.
_gat Google Analytics Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day Cookie used to limit the speed of the request, limiting the collection of data on high traffic sites.Cookie that is part of the Google Analytics analysis and monitoring service. It is a cookie that expires 1 minute after creation or update and is used to block the number of requests from the analysis scripts in order to consider the user's visits as unique.The whole websiteYNAP, Brand , Google Cookie used to limit the speed of the request, limiting the collection of data on high traffic sites.
rxVisitor - Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( Permanent RUM DynatraceUnique User ID.The whole websiteMonitoring Team RUM Dynatrace
dtCookie - Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day RUM DynatraceMetadata related to user behaviours.The whole websiteMonitoring Team RUM Dynatrace
tc_cj_v2 Commanders Act Cookie tecnici 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months CJ storage of deduplication ("chn" and "src" parameters)Customer Journey (CJ) deduplication storageThe whole websiteCommanders Ac CJ storage of deduplication ("chn" and "src" parameters)
tc_cj_v2_cmp Commanders Act Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months CJ storage of deduplication ("cmp" parameter)Customer Journey (CJ) deduplication storage.The whole websiteCommanders Act CJ storage of deduplication ("cmp" parameter)
tc_idlord Commanders Act Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months This cookie is used to prevent Google Analytics from being reported several times that a purchase order has been placed. In other words, it serves to avoid errors in the counting of purchase orders.The identification number of the last purchase order placed by the user.Thank you pageCommanders Act This cookie is used to prevent Google Analytics from being reported several times that a purchase order has been placed. In other words, it serves to avoid errors in the counting of purchase orders.
TCREDIRECT_DEDUP Commanders Act Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( Session Used for deduplication functionality.Information related to deduplication.The whole websiteCommanders Act Used for deduplication functionality.
TCPID Commanders Act Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 13 months Used by the TRUST v1 and v2 privacy module.TRUST form identifier.The whole websiteCommanders Act Used by the TRUST v1 and v2 privacy module.
tc_idusermail Commanders Act Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months Used to collect behavioral data.Login email hashata.The whole websiteYNAP, Commanders Act Used to collect behavioral data.
_gid Google Analytics Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( 1 day This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier.It integrates information aimed at improving the consistency of the user's unique recognition.The whole websiteYNAP, Brand , Google This cookie is used to distinguish unique users assigning a randomly generated number as the client identifier.
r1 Sizmek Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device. Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device.
t1 Sizmek Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device. Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device.
G3 Sizmek Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device. Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device.
A6 Sizmek Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device. Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device.
ActivityInfo2 Sizmek Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device. Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device.
OT2 Sizmek Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device. Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device.
u2 Sizmek Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device. Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device.
_fbp Facebook Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 3 months This is a cookie set by Facebook and is used to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. This is a cookie set by Facebook and is used to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.
_fbc Facebook Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 3 months Used to deliver, measure, and improve the relevancy of ads. Used to deliver, measure, and improve the relevancy of ads.
inside-c3 Powerfront Cookie tecnici 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months Identify browser third party cookie support for INSIDE chat. Identify browser third party cookie support for INSIDE chat.
inside:eu:IN-1000640 Powerfront Cookie tecnici 3rd Party Cookie ( 25 months Identify INSIDE chat website by SITE and CLUSTER identifiers. Identify INSIDE chat website by SITE and CLUSTER identifiers.
inside:eu:IN-1000639 Powerfront Cookie tecnici 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months Identify INSIDE chat website by SITE and CLUSTER identifiers. Identify INSIDE chat website by SITE and CLUSTER identifiers.
inside-c1 Powerfront Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session Identify browser first party cookie support for INSIDE chat. Identify browser first party cookie support for INSIDE chat.
inside-eu Powerfront Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months Identify unique visitor for INSIDE chat server identified by CLUSTER. Identify unique visitor for INSIDE chat server identified by CLUSTER.
__cfduid Powerfront Cookie tecnici 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 days Used by the content delivery network Cloudflare to identify trusted web traffic. Used by the content delivery network Cloudflare to identify trusted web traffic.
s_fid Adobe Analytics Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 24 months This cookie is used to identify a unique visitor if the standard s_vi cookie is unavailable due to third-party cookie restrictions. Not used for implementations that use first-party cookies. This cookie is used to identify a unique visitor if the standard s_vi cookie is unavailable due to third-party cookie restrictions. Not used for implementations that use first-party cookies.
s_cc Adobe Analytics Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session Only one cookie for all accounts. This cookie is set and read by the JavaScript code to determine if cookies are enabled (simply set to "True"). Only one cookie for all accounts. This cookie is set and read by the JavaScript code to determine if cookies are enabled (simply set to "True").
s_sq Adobe Analytics Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session Only one cookie for all accounts. This cookie is set and read by the JavaScript code when the ClickMap functionality or the Activity Map functionality are enabled; it contains information about the previous link that was clicked on by the user. Only one cookie for all accounts. This cookie is set and read by the JavaScript code when the ClickMap functionality or the Activity Map functionality are enabled; it contains information about the previous link that was clicked on by the user.
TC_PRIVACY_CENTER Commanders Act Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 13 months Used by the TRUST v2 privacy module.Privacy: accepted categories.Privacy: accepted categories.Commanders Act Used by the TRUST v2 privacy module.
insideChatPaneOpen Powerfront Cookie Analitici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
TC_PRIVACY Commanders Act Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 13 months Used by the TRUST v2 privacy module.Privacy: optin / optout user, privacy version and categories accepted.The whole websiteCommanders Act Used by the TRUST v2 privacy module.
ak_bmsc Akamai Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session
bm_sz Akamai Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session Security Detections. The purpose is hidden as they will not give information to the attackers of what each cookie is doing in terms of functionality. Security Detections. The purpose is hidden as they will not give information to the attackers of what each cookie is doing in terms of functionality.
_hjid Hotjar Cookie Analitici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited Hotjar cookie that is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. Hotjar cookie that is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID.
_hjTLDTest Hotjar Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session When the Hotjar script executes we try to determine the most generic cookie path we should use, instead of the page hostname. This is done so that cookies can be shared across subdomains (where applicable). To determine this, we try to store the _hjTLDTest cookie for different URL substring alternatives until it fails. After this check, the cookie is removed. When the Hotjar script executes we try to determine the most generic cookie path we should use, instead of the page hostname. This is done so that cookies can be shared across subdomains (where applicable). To determine this, we try to store the _hjTLDTest cookie for different URL substring alternatives until it fails. After this check, the cookie is removed.
_hjIncludedInPageviewSample Hotjar Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's pageview limit. This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's pageview limit.
_hjIncludedInSessionSample Hotjar Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's daily session limit. This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's daily session limit.
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress Hotjar Cookie Analitici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited This cookie is used to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie. This cookie is used to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie.
_hjFirstSeen Hotjar Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day This is set to identify a new user’s first session. It stores a true/false value, indicating whether this was the first time Hotjar saw this user. It is used by Recording filters to identify new user sessions. This is set to identify a new user’s first session. It stores a true/false value, indicating whether this was the first time Hotjar saw this user. It is used by Recording filters to identify new user sessions.
TradeDoublerGUID Tradedoubler Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months The GUID Cookie holds an identifier to support server side storage of the user event history. The GUID Cookie holds an identifier to support server side storage of the user event history.
icts Rakuten Cookie tecnici 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
stc114895 Rakuten Cookie tecnici 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
_ra Rakuten Cookie tecnici 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months
hero-session-31686567-1fdd-40b0-8368-b90559e0dfc9 Hero Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months This stores data related to the user session, to ensure we can create new conversations and load conversation history within the Messenger. This stores data related to the user session, to ensure we can create new conversations and load conversation history within the Messenger.
BFB Microsoft Bing Ads Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 23 months This cookie helps us to target and track performance of advertising campaigns on the Bing advertising network. This cookie helps us to target and track performance of advertising campaigns on the Bing advertising network.
ANON Microsoft Bing Ads Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months This cookie helps us to target and track performance of advertising campaigns on the Bing advertising network. This cookie helps us to target and track performance of advertising campaigns on the Bing advertising network.
_EDGE_S Microsoft Bing Ads Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session This cookie helps us to target and track performance of advertising campaigns on the Bing advertising network. This cookie helps us to target and track performance of advertising campaigns on the Bing advertising network.
OGP Google Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months These cookies are used by Google to monitor the use and enable the functionality of Google Maps. These cookies are used by Google to monitor the use and enable the functionality of Google Maps.
OIDR Microsoft Bing Ads Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months This cookie helps us to target and track performance of advertising campaigns on the Bing advertising network. This cookie helps us to target and track performance of advertising campaigns on the Bing advertising network.
OID Microsoft Bing Ads Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months This cookie is used as an identifier for an object in Microsoft’s identity system. This cookie is used as an identifier for an object in Microsoft’s identity system.
OIDI Microsoft Bing Ads Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months This cookie helps us to target and track performance of advertising campaigns on the Bing advertising network. This cookie helps us to target and track performance of advertising campaigns on the Bing advertising network.
BANNERNL YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day YNAP
emergencyLayer YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day emergencyLayerYNAP
s_ppvl Adobe Marketing Cloud Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session Stores information on the percentage of the page displayed to you Stores information on the percentage of the page displayed to you
dextp Adobe Audience Manager Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 11 years The dextp cookie contains a data provider name or ID and a UNIX UTC timestamp formatted as pipe-delimited strings. The dextp cookie contains a data provider name or ID and a UNIX UTC timestamp formatted as pipe-delimited strings.
optlyAccountID Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 33 months This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site. This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site.
_mkto_trk Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site. This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site.
ajs_anonymous_id Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site. This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site.
ajs_user_id Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site. This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site.
ajs_group_id Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site. This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site. Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 10 years This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site. This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site.
_gat_segmentGATracker Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site. This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site.
_BEAMER_... Hotjar Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( 7 months
BT Tradedoubler Cookie tecnici 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
OptanonConsent Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months This cookie is set by the cookie compliance solution from OneTrust. This cookie is set by the cookie compliance solution from OneTrust.
optly_ccpa Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site. This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site.
iv Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site. This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site.
is Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site. This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site.
optimizely_signed_in Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 5 days This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site. This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site.
OptanonAlertBoxClosed Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months This cookie is set by websites using certain versions of the cookie law compliance solution from OneTrust. It is set after visitors have seen a cookie information notice and in some cases only when they actively close the notice down. It enables the website not to show the message more than once to a user. This cookie is set by websites using certain versions of the cookie law compliance solution from OneTrust. It is set after visitors have seen a cookie information notice and in some cases only when they actively close the notice down. It enables the website not to show the message more than once to a user.
xgen_access_token XgenTech Cookie di funzionalità 1st Party Cookie ( Unlimited Used by Xgen to track page requests from the visitor during the session and suggest contents. Used by Xgen to track page requests from the visitor during the session and suggest contents.
xgen_token_expiration XgenTech Cookie di funzionalità 1st Party Cookie ( Unlimited Used by Xgen to track page requests from the visitor during the session and suggest contents. Used by Xgen to track page requests from the visitor during the session and suggest contents.
xgen_... XgenTech Cookie di funzionalità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day Used by Xgen to track page requests from the visitor during the session and suggest contents. Used by Xgen to track page requests from the visitor during the session and suggest contents.
_pk_ses.4e250dada9d04cadbf1fb5df51479646.52ce Piwik Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( Session Used by Piwik Analytics Platform to track page requests from the visitor during the session. Used by Piwik Analytics Platform to track page requests from the visitor during the session.
FIRSTACCESSPOPUP YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day This cookie is used to prevent the newsletter layer from being opened on subsequent visits to the site. This cookie is used to prevent the newsletter layer from being opened on subsequent visits to the site.
presence Facebook Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 1 month This is a cookie created by Facebook to contain the user’s chat state. This is a cookie created by Facebook to contain the user’s chat state.
_fbp Facebook Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months This is a cookie set by Facebook and is used to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. This is a cookie set by Facebook and is used to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.
_abck Akamai Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day Akamai Bot Manager – Security cookie this cookie is through mailchimp service Akamai Bot Manager – Security cookie this cookie is through mailchimp service
_uetvid Microsoft Bing Ads Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
1P_JAR Google Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 4 months This cookie is a Google Analytics Cookie created by Google DoubleClick and used to show personalized advertisements (ads) based on previous visits to the website. This cookie is a Google Analytics Cookie created by Google DoubleClick and used to show personalized advertisements (ads) based on previous visits to the website.
SID Google Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 10 years DoubleClick cookie, part of Google Analytics. With this cookie Google can collect user data for videos hosted by YouTube. DoubleClick cookie, part of Google Analytics. With this cookie Google can collect user data for videos hosted by YouTube.
HSID Google Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 27 months DoubleClick cookie, part of Google Analytics. With this cookie Google can collect user data for videos hosted by YouTube. DoubleClick cookie, part of Google Analytics. With this cookie Google can collect user data for videos hosted by YouTube.
OGPC Google Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( 26 years These cookies are used by Google to monitor the use and enable the functionality of Google Maps. These cookies are used by Google to monitor the use and enable the functionality of Google Maps.
_gcl_aw Google Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 3 months Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across web sites using their services. Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across web sites using their services.
PDPLayer YNAP Cookie tecnici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited YNAP
VVirtualMirrorPolicyAccepted YNAP Cookie tecnici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
cmvInfoLayer YNAP Cookie tecnici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited YNAP
_gcl_au Google Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 3 months Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across web sites using their services. Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across web sites using their services.
RegisterUserAsync_0 YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session Antiforgery Cookie. This cookie is used as a security token in order to prevent other sites to clone forms. A token that validates form post.The whole websiteYNAP Antiforgery Cookie. This cookie is used as a security token in order to prevent other sites to clone forms.
personalization_id Twitter Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months Used on sites that share Twitter content and with Twitter share plugin. Used on sites that share Twitter content and with Twitter share plugin.
__hstc Hubspot Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months The main cookie for tracking visitors. It contains the domain, utk, initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit), and session number (increments for each subsequent session). The main cookie for tracking visitors. It contains the domain, utk, initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit), and session number (increments for each subsequent session).
promoBar-... YNAP Cookie tecnici models.privacy/ ( Session
yTos.CookieLaw YNAP - 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months This cookie store the information about whether the cookie law was accepted or not.Whether or not cookie law was accepted.The whole website.YNAP This cookie store the information about whether the cookie law was accepted or not.
WID Commanders Act Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
__Secure-3PAPISID Google Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months Builds a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalized ads through retargeting. Builds a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalized ads through retargeting.
__Secure-1PSID Google Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months Builds a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalized ads through retargeting. Builds a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalized ads through retargeting.
__Secure-1PAPISID Google Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months Builds a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalized ads through retargeting. Builds a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalized ads through retargeting.
_cs_same_site Content Square Cookie di funzionalità 1st Party Cookie ( Session This cookie is being used to measure returning visitors. This cookie is being used to measure returning visitors.
_cs_... Content Square Cookie di funzionalità 1st Party Cookie ( 13 months
_cs_t Content Square Cookie di funzionalità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
bm_sv Akamai Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session This cookie is necessary for the Akamai cache function. This cookie is necessary for the Akamai cache function.
_uetsid_exp Microsoft Bing Ads Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited Bing is used to track conversions for paid search campaigns as well as to provide insights into broad aggregated audience categories for display. Bing is used to track conversions for paid search campaigns as well as to provide insights into broad aggregated audience categories for display.
_uetvid_exp Microsoft Bing Ads Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited Contains the expiry-date for the cookie with corresponding name. Contains the expiry-date for the cookie with corresponding name.
_uetsid Microsoft Bing Ads Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited Bing is used to track conversions for paid search campaigns as well as to provide insights into broad aggregated audience categories for display. Bing is used to track conversions for paid search campaigns as well as to provide insights into broad aggregated audience categories for display.
kampyleUserSession Medallia Cookie Analitici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited Timestamp indicating when the user has started his session.Medallia, Brand Timestamp indicating when the user has started his session.
kampyleUserSessionsCount Medallia Cookie Analitici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited Tracks number of sessions user has been in the browserMedallia, Brand Tracks number of sessions user has been in the browser
DECLINED_DATE Medallia Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day Timestamp indicating when an intercept was last declined / survey was last closed.Medallia, Brand Timestamp indicating when an intercept was last declined / survey was last closed.
kampyleSessionPageCounter Medallia Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months Tracks the number of pages the user has been in the session.Medallia, Brand Tracks the number of pages the user has been in the session.
LAST_INVITATION_VIEW Medallia Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day Timestamp for when the last intercept was presented.Medallia, Brand Timestamp for when the last intercept was presented.
kampyle_userid Medallia Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months UUID for identifying a use.Medallia, Brand UUID for identifying a use.
cd_user_id Medallia Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months Cooladata user ID.Medallia, Brand Cooladata user ID.
mdLogger Medallia Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months When exists, will indicate to the Medallia code to add debug logs into the browsers console. Default value: False. Updating the cookie to true is done by explicitly calling the KAMPYLE_ONSITE_SDK.startLogger(); Javascript function. Updating the cookie to false is done by explicitly calling the KAMPYLE_ONSITE_SDK.stopLogger(); Javascript function.Medallia, Brand When exists, will indicate to the Medallia code to add debug logs into the browsers console. Default value: False. Updating the cookie to true is done by explicitly calling the KAMPYLE_ONSITE_SDK.startLogger(); Javascript function. Updating the cookie to false is done by explicitly calling the KAMPYLE_ONSITE_SDK.stopLogger(); Javascript function.
_grecaptcha Google reCAPTCHA Cookie tecnici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website. This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website.
_boomr_akamaiXhrRetry Akamai Cookie tecnici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited Persists a flag that instructs the Akamai plugin when to perform requests. Doesn't contain personal information. Persists a flag that instructs the Akamai plugin when to perform requests. Doesn't contain personal information.
UpdateProfileInfoAsync_0 YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session Antiforgery Cookie. This cookie is used as a security token in order to prevent other sites to clone forms.A token that validates form post.The whole websiteYNAP Antiforgery Cookie. This cookie is used as a security token in order to prevent other sites to clone forms.
SetPaymentMethodAsync_0 YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session Antiforgery Cookie. This cookie is used as a security token in order to prevent other sites to clone forms.A token that validates form post. The whole websiteYNAP Antiforgery Cookie. This cookie is used as a security token in order to prevent other sites to clone forms.
sharedWishListItems YNAP Cookie tecnici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited YNAP
productCartData YNAP Cookie tecnici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
yTos... YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months This cookie store the user main session.YNAP This cookie store the user main session.
SUBMITTED_DATE Medallia Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day Timestamp indicating when a survey was last submittedMedallia, Brand Timestamp indicating when a survey was last submitted
previousPageview YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
_gali - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
thx_guid - - 3rd Party Cookie ( 5 years
PARTNER - - 1st Party Cookie ( Session PARTNER
MUIDB Microsoft Bing Ads Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 6 months This cookie is widely used by Microsoft as a unique user identifier. It can be set by embedded Microsoft scripts, used to sync across many different Microsoft domains, allowing user tracking. This cookie is widely used by Microsoft as a unique user identifier. It can be set by embedded Microsoft scripts, used to sync across many different Microsoft domains, allowing user tracking.
tCdebugLib - - 1st Party Cookie ( Session
_gcl_dc Google Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 3 months Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across web sites using their services. Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across web sites using their services.
MR Microsoft Bing Ads Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 7 days This is a Microsoft MSN 1st party cookie which we use to measure the use of the website for internal analytics. This is a Microsoft MSN 1st party cookie which we use to measure the use of the website for internal analytics.
dpm Adobe Audience Manager Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 11 years
_pk_id.4e250dada9d04cadbf1fb5df51479646.30bc Piwik Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months Used by Piwik Analytics Platform to track page requests from the visitor during the session. Used by Piwik Analytics Platform to track page requests from the visitor during the session.
_pk_id.4e250dada9d04cadbf1fb5df51479646.52ce Piwik Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 13 months Used by Piwik Analytics Platform to track page requests from the visitor during the session. Used by Piwik Analytics Platform to track page requests from the visitor during the session.
_pk_ref.4e250dada9d04cadbf1fb5df51479646.52ce Piwik Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 6 months
mbox Adobe Target Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months - Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day Out-of-the-box randomly generated string used to identify anonymous users, and to differentiate users’ devices and enables device-based messaging. Out-of-the-box randomly generated string used to identify anonymous users, and to differentiate users’ devices and enables device-based messaging. - Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day Used to determine whether the currently-logged-in user has changed, and to associate events with the current user. Used to determine whether the currently-logged-in user has changed, and to associate events with the current user. - Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day Out-of-the-box randomly generated string used to determine whether the user is starting a new or existing session, in order to sync messages and calculate session analytics. Out-of-the-box randomly generated string used to determine whether the user is starting a new or existing session, in order to sync messages and calculate session analytics.
intercom-session-c5ke8zbr - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 1 day
intercom-id-c5ke8zbr - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 16 years
ytos-session-VALENTINO YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months This cookie store the user main session A simple id that refers to a session on our database. The whole website YNAP This cookie store the identifier of the user's session.
xgen_refresh_token - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Unlimited
firebase:previous_websocket_failure - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
ClarityFlagLoaded_25003990 - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
ruxitagentjs__Store - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
5ef56dee577af - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited 5ef56dee577af
yORBaccount - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
yOrbSavedForFutureFiring - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
locale 8826cdcf576271414b9be3efb19b8308 - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
rmlconsent_... - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 7 months
ev_sync_... - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 29 days
akacd_PIM-prod_to_staging_or_dev-mirroring - - 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
lsclick_mid... - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months
newRepeat - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 29 days
DV - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
D4 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 2 months
thx_global_guid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 5 years
s_dfa - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
um2 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months
demdex Adobe Audience Manager Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 11 years
s_vi_... - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months
tt_bluekai - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 1 day
OTZ - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 1 month
XSRF-TOKEN - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
_SS - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
__zlcmid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
_uet... - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 1 day
att - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 1 day
Session... - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
inside... - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 24 months
XA - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
wr_cart_init - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
dtSa - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
GA_BU2 - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
muc - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months
hubspotutk Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( 8 years
__gfp_64b - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 29 months
rmStore - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 1 month
rmuid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
CISI_1271 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
_ts_yjad - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 24 months
GuidedHelpResume - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
gt - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
_hjKB - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
lmdatae47f65e53357c55e2aac2a634fc8357e - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
ORD - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
S2 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months
x-referer - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
optimizely... - Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( Session
tc_uspos - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
s_vi_x60yaeqtbx7Fcydx7Fx60bx7Ft - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 16 months
stc120271 - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months
C6 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months
tt_neustar - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 1 day
BCP - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
_uetsid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 1 day
countryNavigation - Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session
cts-location - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 29 months
kenshoo_id - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
rmgconsent - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 13 months
everest_g_v2 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months
external_referer - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 7 days
FDLBCTLYOXA - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
akacd_RWASP-default-phased-release - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
daysSinceLastVisit - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 36 months
S - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
s_tp - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
UULE - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
s_vi_oplkzx7Eoo1pizmx7Ess1oplkz1vkx7Esvx7Eqz - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months
tt_emetriq - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 16 months
GUID - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
rmuid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
hero-session-staging-1f4a38dc-5c41-4d64-a0c4-d71940994ed5 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
dtPC - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
__cid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 16 years
xgen_session_id - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Unlimited
.DDMMUI-PROFILE - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 7 days
Rp - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months
tt_liveramp - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 1 day
tt_dar - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 17 months
tt_skp - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 1 day
NAP - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 13 months
utag_main - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
akacd_RWASP-default-phased-release - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
utm_params - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
XB - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months
_TA_TRACKING - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 5 years
sp_t - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
hero-state-staging-1f4a38dc-5c41-4d64-a0c4-d71940994ed5 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
FDLBCTLY - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
eyeblaster - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months
tt_viewer - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
nlid - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
OptanonConsent OneTrust Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
AMCVS_49DBA42E58DE4C560A495C19%40AdobeOrg - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
ipaddr - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
dtLatC - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
AID - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
FLC - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
cs - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 1 day
TargetingInfo2 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months
TS01fde1a8 - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
tt_exelate - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 1 day
cd_user_id - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
wt_rla - Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 2 months
marketo_utm_medium - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 5 days
PI - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
s_vi Adobe Marketing Cloud Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months
kampyle... - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
marketo_utm_source - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 5 days
sp_landing - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 1 day
akacd_RWASP-default-phased-release - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
wr_wishlist_init - Cookie di funzionalità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
_ceir - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
cts-location - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
rxvt - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
_gat... - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
btuuid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
at_check - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
SL_GWPT_Show_Hide_tmp - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
monitor_count - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
X-AK-PIM-INJECT - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
__cq_uuid - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
StateInfo - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
klarna-shopping-browser-session-id - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
forterToken - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
_hjIncludedInSample - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
Hm_lvt_eaa57ca47dacb4ad4f5a257001a3457c - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
perf_dv5Tr4n - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
ssm_au_c - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
IDE DoubleClick Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months
_scid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 13 months
_gac_gb_UA-4165104-6 - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
__g_u - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
_ym_isad - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
SL_wptGlobTipTmp - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
Hm_lpvt_eaa57ca47dacb4ad4f5a257001a3457c - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
ftr_ncd - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
activeChat - Cookie di funzionalità models.privacy/ ( Session
showTranslationIds - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
vm.browsersessionuuid.20... - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
SZMKSessionId - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
kampyle... - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
__guid - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
_ym_uid - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
cto_bundle - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
APISID YouTube Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 27 months Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
visit... - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
GULP_TH2 - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
rxvisitid - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
dtSa - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
__utma - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
md_isSurveySubmittedInSession - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
rxvt - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
scss::tab_id - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
promo... - Cookie di funzionalità models.privacy/ ( Session
closedProactiveMessageId - Cookie di funzionalità models.privacy/ ( Session
PIM-SESSION-ID - Cookie tecnici models.privacy/ ( Session
tabId - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
loadedShelves.... YNAP Cookie tecnici models.privacy/ ( Session
_gcl_gb - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
rxec - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
_piggy.... - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
optimizely_data$$... - Cookie Analitici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
ruxitagentjs_e50279058329d002_Store - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
TC_REFERRER - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
genderTracker - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
last... - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
__rmco - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
_uet... - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
cart 8826cdcf576271414b9be3efb19b8308 - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
ed73f20edbf2b73 - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
snowplowOutQueue_snowPlowReference_cf_valentino_get - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
lscache-scls::... - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
tC_Sync - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
productInfo - Cookie tecnici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
GA_RT2 - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
GULP_SC2 - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
CONSENT - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 17 years
randid - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
_sm_au_c - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
CISI_1448 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
com.adobe.reactor.dataElementCookiesMigrated Adobe Cookie Analitici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited Used in context with the cache-function on the website, facilitating data transfer between Adobe DTM onto Adobe Launch. Used in context with the cache-function on the website, facilitating data transfer between Adobe DTM onto Adobe Launch.
com.adobe.reactor.core.visitorTracking.sessionCount Adobe Cookie Analitici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited Contains data on user navigation, interaction and time spent on the website and its sub-pages - This data is used to optimise the relevance of advertisements and for statistical purposes. Contains data on user navigation, interaction and time spent on the website and its sub-pages - This data is used to optimise the relevance of advertisements and for statistical purposes.
com.adobe.reactor.core.visitorTracking.pagesViewed Adobe Cookie Analitici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited Contains data on user navigation, interaction and time spent on the website and its sub-pages - This data is used to optimise the relevance of advertisements and for statistical purposes. Contains data on user navigation, interaction and time spent on the website and its sub-pages - This data is used to optimise the relevance of advertisements and for statistical purposes.
com.adobe.reactor.core.visitorTracking.cookiesMigrated Adobe Cookie Analitici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited Used in context with the cache-function on the website, facilitating data transfer between Adobe DTM onto Adobe Launch. Used in context with the cache-function on the website, facilitating data transfer between Adobe DTM onto Adobe Launch.
__canI_TH - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
_gat_UA-XXXXXXXXX-X Google Analytics Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( Session Used to persist session state. Used to persist session state.
OT_XXXX Sizmek Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device. Sizmek uses cookies to collect information such as the IP address of a computer, the type of computer operating system, the type of Internet browser software, which web pages were viewed and at what time. A common use of cookies (on behalf of our customers) is to determine if a particular advertisement has already been served to a specific device and to limit the frequency with which that advertisement is presented to the same device.
[FormName]_X YNAP Cookie tecnici 1st Party Cookie ( Session Antiforgery Cookie. This cookie is used as a security token in order to prevent other sites to clone forms.A token that validates form post.The whole websiteYNAP Antiforgery Cookie. This cookie is used as a security token in order to prevent other sites to clone forms.
_gac_UA-XXXXXXX-X Google Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 3 months The _gac cookie value contains a version number followed by a timestamp, and campaign information in the form of a GCLID value. The _gac cookie value contains a version number followed by a timestamp, and campaign information in the form of a GCLID value.
AMCV_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%40AdobeOrg Adobe Analytics Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( and 24 months This cookie is used to identify a unique visitor. This cookie is used to identify a unique visitor.
_ga_XXXXXXXXXX Google Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookies store information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookies store information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors.
TCREDIRECT Commanders Act Functionality 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
S_XXXXXXXX - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
78c0f2vz1qm9803k6z51ts4ipu7x - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
rmconsent-v2... - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 9 months
s_vi_jx7Csx60x7Fhx7Dvuxxx7Bvswjx7Bnsx7Ftnijhux7E - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 23 months
__Secure-3PSID - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months
hero-state-31686567-1fdd-40b0-8368-b90559e0dfc9 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
SLO_GWPT_Show_Hide_tmp - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
SLO_wptGlobTipTmp - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
SLG_GWPT_Show_Hide_tmp - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
SLG_wptGlobTipTmp - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
ssm_au_d - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
bm_mi - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
tagtician_firstload - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
__AntiXsrfToken - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
filterPanelHidden - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
_zk_sc_tc2 - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
7be7f36zb2u823nvkl90enzeqwup - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
_gaexp - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
__Secure-1PSID - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
__utmt_adsense - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
__utmt_second - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
AdSenseLocale - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
199_@@@___Secure-3PAPISID - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
199_@@@___Secure-3PSID - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
__tld_test__ - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
ab._gd1625469066012 - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
adsenseReferralUrlQuery - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
apt.uid - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
BCSI-ACP-de68100a26628ab6 - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
act - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
pl - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
lu - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
CISI_... - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
S_1075... - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
S_9527 - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
savefrom-helper-extension - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
sxt-user - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
loglevel - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
BCSI-CS-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
__utm... - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
_HPVN - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months
ABDEF - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months
_zk_sc_d - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
_RwBf - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 23 months
C_-XXXXXXXXXX - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
XXXX_@@@_NID Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
SAPISID - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search.
XXXX_@@@_CONSENT - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( 0 day
ANID - - 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day Google uses this cookies to make advertising more engaging to users and more valuable to publishers and advertisers
4365f3064k76sitknd8am2dwjzra - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
60d0f3702x0etvsxajc94660oh6e - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
8e59f31al8mbslbugcg7aa3cx415 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
AMCV... - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
BCSI-... - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
CGIC - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
CONS... - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
HSID Google Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search.
SIDCC - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search.
SSID - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search.
S_XXXXXXXX - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
SmartViewExtX - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
__gads Google Targeting/Advertising 3rd Party Cookie ( 13 months This cookie is associated with the DoubleClick for Publishers service from Google. Its purpose is to do with the showing of adverts on the site, for which the owner may earn some revenue.
ajs_anonymous_id Criteo Targeting/Advertising 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months It is used to distribute anonymous data about visitor behaviour
G4 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months
GAPS - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
LayerPDPPet YNAP Cookie tecnici models.privacy/ ( Session
S - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
SetVatCode_0 - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
_hp2_id.XXXXXXXXXX Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
adsenseReferralSubId - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
adsenseReferralSourceId - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
adsenseReferralUrl - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
eaaaf36tfq8hazpoqpgmzr7qq933 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
eskucgkwiu72frkqawfkeywords - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
eskucgkwiu72frkqawfcountry - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
fpdisX Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
id Google Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 9 years These cookies set by a third party (DoubleClick) and are used for serving targeted advertisements that are relevant to you across the web. Targeted advertisements may be displayed to you based on your previous visits to this website. These cookies set by a third party (DoubleClick) and are used for serving targeted advertisements that are relevant to you across the web. Targeted advertisements may be displayed to you based on your previous visits to this website.
_hjSessionUser_152674 - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months
_hp2_ses_props.3177033496 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
_hjSession_152674 - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
insideChatPaneClosed Powerfront Cookie Analitici models.privacy/ ( Session
kameleoonVisitorCode kameleoon Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( 13 months This cookie contains the visitor's code used for the full stack experience. This cookie contains the visitor's code used for the full stack experience.
kampyleInvitePresented Medallia Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months Medallia is a tool for conducting online surveys and collecting user feedback. Flag indicating whether an intercept was presented in the session. Medallia is a tool for conducting online surveys and collecting user feedback. Flag indicating whether an intercept was presented in the session.
syndication_guest_id Twitter Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( 16 months Used to collect information about users browsing behaviour for marketing purposes including digital display and social media advertising. Used to collect information about users browsing behaviour for marketing purposes including digital display and social media advertising.
OGPIC - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
SAPIQID - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
_#sess - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
_#uid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
_#vdf - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
__troRUID - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 7 months
__trossion - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 7 months
_gaexp_rc - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
_gmb_ga - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
__55CC - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
_js_reg_fb_ref - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
_js_sb - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
_lab - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 7 months
_mall_uuid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
_sm_au_d - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
_ym_... - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
_zk_sc_tc1 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
amp_... - Cookie di funzionalità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day Optimizely Cookie di funzionalità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site. This cookie is used by the testing tool Optimizely to help improve user experience on the site.
cd36f35qc4a6fir2mp0zmuukjzx8 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
mp_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_mixpanel - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session
cookie_banner_ntest - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
datadome - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
didomi_token - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
data... - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
check - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
SNID - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
TAID - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
cbLDBex - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
cbLDB - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
authId - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
apt.sid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
arp_scroll_switch - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
gig_bootstrap_3_qovVxLu6-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - Cookie di funzionalità 1st Party Cookie ( Session
rl_group_id - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
rl_group_trait - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
rl_page_init_referrer - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
rl_page_init_referring_domain - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
rl_trait - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
searchsession_... - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
N_Testing_Privacy - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
SEARCH_SAMESITE - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
TC_ID_7 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
XSRF-TOKEN - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
gadsTest - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
googtransopt - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
mics_vid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
netotiate_vid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 13 months
parking_session - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
ph_xxjD8P02aWDe8-W11nP8LDuqIlBiKEhGJwMfBIH4RNc_posthog - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
rs - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
rudder_cookies - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
s_pv - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
sp_dc - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
sp_adid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
stc115855 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
tj95eceba51d1749cd98415c14e7456b - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
s_vi_... - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 21 months
sjsaid - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
tc_YAB_test - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 3 months
rl_anonymous_id - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
user... - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
user_id - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months
vfdis - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
y9Pr6Tje - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 12 months
GMAIL_LOGIN - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
GMAIL_RTT - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
GPMCR - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
G_ENABLED_IDPS - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Unlimited
botmaker_auth - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
glt_3_UUTM-Y28_SgVPRMWTzi90ouDI51HkwDVseNmapVkuJnDEDBYKiTHYQRE4U4efvPV - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
intercom-session-kf1dz0pp - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
trusted_e14c666295f7728d34d4d59fb367b015afbc6d7b4f53e84ab94c6f9ad24bdcc1 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 20 years
lastAvailableAssistantsCount - Cookie di funzionalità models.privacy/ ( Session
algoliasearch-client-js - Cookie di funzionalità models.privacy/ ( Unlimited
ABTastyDomainTest - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
GED_PLAYLIST_ACTIVITY - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
MicrosoftApplicationsTelemetryDeviceId - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
MicrosoftApplicationsTelemetryFirstLaunchTime - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
NB_PAGES_VIEWED - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
amp_0fe956 - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
intercom-session-ugshexi7 - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
rskxRunCookie Riskified Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day Analytics cookies used to keep tracking user behavior.Riskified Analytics cookies used to keep tracking user behavior.
lastRskxRun Riskified Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day Analytical cookies that support the personalization of site content. Cookies also used to speed up the loading of pages.Riskified Analytical cookies that support the personalization of site content. Cookies also used to speed up the loading of pages.
rCookie Riskified Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day Analytics cookies used to keep tracking user behavior.Riskified Analytics cookies used to keep tracking user behavior.
cppo Facebook Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day Statistics purpose.Facebook Statistics purpose.
VALIDATOR_DEBUG_MODE - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day Facebook Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
checkpoint - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
dbln Facebook Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months Used to enable device-based logins Contents: Login authentication values Used to enable device-based logins Contents: Login authentication values
datr Facebook Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months The purpose of the datr cookie is to identify the web browser being used to connect to Facebook independent of the logged in user. This cookie plays a key role in Facebook’s security and site integrity features. The purpose of the datr cookie is to identify the web browser being used to connect to Facebook independent of the logged in user. This cookie plays a key role in Facebook’s security and site integrity features.
dpr Facebook Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day Performance cookie used by Facebook with Facebook Pixel. Performance cookie used by Facebook with Facebook Pixel.
Blis Blis Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie 13 months The personal data we may hold about you is associated with one or more pseudonymous identifiers linked to your device, such as cookies or Mobile Advertising IDs.  We do not associate that identifier with your name, email, address, or phone number, because we don’t collect that type of directly identifying information about consumers.The whole website.Valentino, Blis, iProspect The personal data we may hold about you is associated with one or more pseudonymous identifiers linked to your device, such as cookies or Mobile Advertising IDs.  We do not associate that identifier with your name, email, address, or phone number, because we don’t collect that type of directly identifying information about consumers.
A1, A3, B, BX, cmp, GUC, GUCS, OTH, T, Y Verizon Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie 13 months Yahoo uses cookies and other technologies to uniquely identify the browsers and devices that interact with our Products and Services. Once we are able to uniquely identify the browsers or devices, we collect information from them and use that information for a range of purposes like the following: - to build an interest profile by linking information about your device and online activity with the unique identifier associated with your device - to retrieve the information associated with your unique identifier - to select personalised content and advertising that we think match your interests according to your interest profile - to show you the relevant personalised content and advertising on our Products and Services - to measure your engagement with the content and advertising that we show to youThe whole website.Valentino, Verizon, iProspect Yahoo uses cookies and other technologies to uniquely identify the browsers and devices that interact with our Products and Services. Once we are able to uniquely identify the browsers or devices, we collect information from them and use that information for a range of purposes like the following: - to build an interest profile by linking information about your device and online activity with the unique identifier associated with your device - to retrieve the information associated with your unique identifier - to select personalised content and advertising that we think match your interests according to your interest profile - to show you the relevant personalised content and advertising on our Products and Services - to measure your engagement with the content and advertising that we show to you
Teads Teads Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie 12 months In order to deliver personalized ads as well as non-personalized ads, Teads uses the following 3 methods to identify users depending on the device they use, whether they access our Services on web or mobile, and operating system: A) Cookie-based identification: Teads drops a cookie on the user web and/or mobile browser. Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that are created on your device through your web browser for record-keeping purposes. Cookies are used to identify a user and store a randomly generated identifier to identify his or her browser across visits. B) Cookie-less environments: For browsers setup to not allow cookies to be dropped, Teads uses an identification methodology based on IP address non-reversible encryption, browser, and device characteristics. This method allows Teads to identify a user in order to provide the same level of services, such as reporting and targeting information to users, segmenting users, and capping the number of times the same ad is shown to the same user. C) Advertising ID:Teads uses its software development kit (“SDK”) technology to identify your advertising ID for mobile applications. For Google Android operating system, we use the Google Advertising ID and for Apple iOS the IDFA.The whole website.Valentino, Teads, iProspect In order to deliver personalized ads as well as non-personalized ads, Teads uses the following 3 methods to identify users depending on the device they use, whether they access our Services on web or mobile, and operating system: A) Cookie-based identification: Teads drops a cookie on the user web and/or mobile browser. Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that are created on your device through your web browser for record-keeping purposes. Cookies are used to identify a user and store a randomly generated identifier to identify his or her browser across visits. B) Cookie-less environments: For browsers setup to not allow cookies to be dropped, Teads uses an identification methodology based on IP address non-reversible encryption, browser, and device characteristics. This method allows Teads to identify a user in order to provide the same level of services, such as reporting and targeting information to users, segmenting users, and capping the number of times the same ad is shown to the same user. C) Advertising ID:Teads uses its software development kit (“SDK”) technology to identify your advertising ID for mobile applications. For Google Android operating system, we use the Google Advertising ID and for Apple iOS the IDFA.
ANONCHK Bing Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( Session Used to store session ID for a users session to ensure that clicks from adverts on the Bing search engine are verified for reporting purposes and for personalisation. Used to store session ID for a users session to ensure that clicks from adverts on the Bing search engine are verified for reporting purposes and for personalisation.
SM - Cookie Analitici 3rd Party Cookie ( Session This cookie is used to measure the use of the website for internal analytics.
xs Facebook Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day Used in conjunction with the c_user cookie to authenticate your identity to Facebook. Contents: Session ID, creation time, authentication value, secure session state, caching group ID Used in conjunction with the c_user cookie to authenticate your identity to Facebook. Contents: Session ID, creation time, authentication value, secure session state, caching group ID
sb Facebook Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 24 months Facebook browser identification, authentication, marketing, and other Facebook-specific function cookies. Facebook browser identification, authentication, marketing, and other Facebook-specific function cookies.
_y Shopify Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 24 months Shopify analytics. Shopify analytics.
_shopify_y Shopify Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 24 months Shopify analytics. Shopify analytics.
_shopify_fs Shopify Cookie Analitici 1st Party Cookie ( 24 months Shopify analytics. Shopify analytics.
locale - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day This cookie contains the display locale of the last logged in user on this browser. This cookie appears to only be set after the user logs out. The locale cookie has a lifetime of one week. This cookie contains the display locale of the last logged in user on this browser. This cookie appears to only be set after the user logs out. The locale cookie has a lifetime of one week.
_clck - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 12 months
_clsk - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
_cltk - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
reg_fb_ref - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
sfiu - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
usida - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
wd - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
x-referer - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
presence - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
last... - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
gig_bootstrap_4_jr6ZugEPWBbBSbcsKwFt2A - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
cm_j - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
_hrstCID - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
m_pixel_ratio - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
API_READY - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
notified-Garrison_Redirection_notify_edge - Cookie di pubblicità 1st Party Cookie ( 0 day
oneDayAdditionalExecutionLimitLastInjectionTimestampXx - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
VAL::subscribeNewsletterSuccess YNAP Cookie tecnici models.privacy/ ( Unlimited YNAP
preferred_location - Cookie di pubblicità models.privacy/ ( Session
privacyvariation - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 0 day
oo - Cookie di pubblicità 3rd Party Cookie ( 5 years Ad optout cookie